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Entreprises trouvées: 8
Beghelli Spa (21)
Schneider Electric Spa (13)
Vemer Spa (9)
Eaton Industries (Italy) S.r.l. (8)
Orbis Italia Spa (5)
Gewiss Spa (2)
Steinel Italia Srl (1)

Kit de conversion

Résultats 61-63 de 63
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GUSCIO IP65 INVERTER LED - 19376 (8002219745668)
luce d'emergenza
Source lumineuse: LED
Tension nominale (Un): 207÷253
Beghelli Spa
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INVERTER LG230 12W - 17381 (8002219740380)
luce d'emergenza
Tension nominale (Un): 0÷0
Beghelli Spa
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INV LED AT/LG AR 9W 55V LIFE - 19355L (8002219870179)
luce d'emergenza
Tension nominale (Un): 207÷253
Beghelli Spa