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Companies found: 2
Obo Bettermann Srl (12)
Hager Bocchiotti SPA (3)

Coupler for underfloor installation duct

Results 13-15 of 15
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VL 190-2 Piastra collegamento - 7400988 (4012197349837)
coupler for underfloor installation duct
Duct width: 75 mm
Duct height: - mm
Model: Lip
Suitable for expansion joint: TRUE
Material: Steel
Obo Bettermann Srl
No image available
VL 250-2 Piastra collegamento - 7400992 (4012197349912)
coupler for underfloor installation duct
Duct width: 75 mm
Duct height: - mm
Model: Lip
Suitable for expansion joint: TRUE
Material: Steel
Obo Bettermann Srl
No image available
VL 350-2 Piastra collegamento - 7400996 (4012197349875)
coupler for underfloor installation duct
Duct width: 75 mm
Duct height: - mm
Model: Lip
Suitable for expansion joint: TRUE
Material: Steel
Obo Bettermann Srl