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Companies found: 2
Comelit Group Spa (204)
Vimar Spa (7)


Results 145-156 of 211
CASELLARIO POSTCOM, 3 CAS.POST. ORIZ, PRE.. - 3273/OPP (8023903020649)
cassetta postale
Mounting method: Surface mounted (plaster)
Number of call buttons: 0
Connectable: TRUE
Suitable for multiple mail box mounting: FALSE
Number of mail boxes: 3
Comelit Group Spa
CASELLARIO POSTCOM, 3 CAS.POST. VERT, PRE.. - 3273/VAE (8023903020687)
cassetta postale
Mounting method: -
Number of call buttons: 0
Connectable: TRUE
Suitable for multiple mail box mounting: FALSE
Number of mail boxes: 1
Comelit Group Spa
CASELLARIO POSTCOM, 3 CAS.POST. VERT, PRE.. - 3273/VAI (8023903020694)
cassetta postale
Mounting method: -
Number of call buttons: 0
Connectable: TRUE
Suitable for multiple mail box mounting: FALSE
Number of mail boxes: 1
Comelit Group Spa
CASELLARIO POSTCOM, 3 CAS.POST. VERT, PRE.. - 3273/VAP (8023903020717)
cassetta postale
Mounting method: Surface mounted (plaster)
Number of call buttons: 0
Connectable: TRUE
Suitable for multiple mail box mounting: FALSE
Number of mail boxes: 3
Comelit Group Spa
CASELLARIO POSTCOM, 3 CAS.POST. VERT, PRE.. - 3273/VPE (8023903020779)
cassetta postale
Mounting method: -
Number of call buttons: 0
Connectable: TRUE
Suitable for multiple mail box mounting: FALSE
Number of mail boxes: 1
Comelit Group Spa
CASELLARIO POSTCOM, 3 CAS.POST. VERT, PRE.. - 3273/VPI (8023903020809)
cassetta postale
Mounting method: Surface mounted (plaster)
Number of call buttons: 0
Connectable: TRUE
Suitable for multiple mail box mounting: FALSE
Number of mail boxes: 3
Comelit Group Spa
CASELLARIO POSTCOM, 3 CAS.POST. VERT, PRE.. - 3273/VPP (8023903020823)
cassetta postale
Mounting method: -
Number of call buttons: 0
Connectable: TRUE
Suitable for multiple mail box mounting: FALSE
Number of mail boxes: 1
Comelit Group Spa
CASELLARIO POSTCOM, 4 CAS.POST. INCLI, PR.. - 3274/IPI (8023903020847)
cassetta postale
Mounting method: -
Number of call buttons: 0
Connectable: TRUE
Suitable for multiple mail box mounting: FALSE
Number of mail boxes: 1
Comelit Group Spa
CASELLARIO POSTCOM, 4 CAS.POST. ORIZ, PRE.. - 3274/OAE (8023903020861)
cassetta postale
Mounting method: -
Number of call buttons: 0
Connectable: TRUE
Suitable for multiple mail box mounting: FALSE
Number of mail boxes: 1
Comelit Group Spa
CASELLARIO POSTCOM, 4 CAS.POST. ORIZ, PRE.. - 3274/OAI (8023903020885)
cassetta postale
Mounting method: Surface mounted (plaster)
Number of call buttons: 0
Connectable: TRUE
Suitable for multiple mail box mounting: FALSE
Number of mail boxes: 4
Comelit Group Spa
CASELLARIO POSTCOM, 4 CAS.POST. ORIZ, PRE.. - 3274/OAP (8023903020915)
cassetta postale
Mounting method: Surface mounted (plaster)
Number of call buttons: 0
Connectable: TRUE
Suitable for multiple mail box mounting: FALSE
Number of mail boxes: 4
Comelit Group Spa
CASELLARIO POSTCOM, 4 CAS.POST. ORIZ, PRE.. - 3274/OPE (8023903020939)
cassetta postale
Mounting method: Surface mounted (plaster)
Number of call buttons: 0
Connectable: TRUE
Suitable for multiple mail box mounting: FALSE
Number of mail boxes: 4
Comelit Group Spa