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Companies found: 2
Obo Bettermann Srl (20)
Arnocanali Spa (11)

Rod holder for lightning protection

Results 25-31 of 31
Base 25Kg per asta di captazione - DSC3125 (8018138220308)
supporto asta per parafulmine
Arnocanali Spa
No image available
F-FIX-132 Supporto asta captazione - 5403330 (4012195613572)
supporto asta per parafulmine
Mounting type bar: -
Rod diameter: - mm
Material of holder: -
Mounting type holder: -
Material of saddle clamp: -
Obo Bettermann Srl
No image available
F-Fix-132-300 Supporto asta captazione - 5403333 (4012195813903)
supporto asta per parafulmine
Mounting type bar: -
Rod diameter: - mm
Material of holder: -
Mounting type holder: -
Material of saddle clamp: -
Obo Bettermann Srl
No image available
isFang TW80 Supporto isFang - 5408950 (4012195670070)
supporto asta per parafulmine
Mounting type bar: -
Rod diameter: - mm
Material of holder: -
Mounting type holder: -
Material of saddle clamp: -
Obo Bettermann Srl
No image available
isFang TW30 Supporto isFang - 5408952 (4012195670087)
supporto asta per parafulmine
Mounting type bar: -
Rod diameter: - mm
Material of holder: -
Mounting type holder: -
Material of saddle clamp: -
Obo Bettermann Srl
No image available
isFang TW200 Supporto isFang - 5408954 (4012195670094)
supporto asta per parafulmine
Mounting type bar: -
Rod diameter: - mm
Material of holder: -
Mounting type holder: -
Material of saddle clamp: -
Obo Bettermann Srl
No image available
isFang TR100 100 Supporto isFang - 5408955 (4012195849360)
supporto asta per parafulmine
Mounting type bar: -
Rod diameter: - mm
Material of holder: -
Mounting type holder: -
Material of saddle clamp: -
Obo Bettermann Srl