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Companies found: 1
Vortice Spa (4)

Convector (electric)

Results 1-4 of 4
MICROSOL 600-V0 - 0000070562 (8010300705620)
convettore (elettrico)
Model: Standard
Mounting method: Freestanding-/wall model
Material front: Steel
Grid model: Perforated
Material heating element: -
Vortice Spa
MICROSOL 1000-V0 - 0000070572 (8010300705729)
convettore (elettrico)
Model: Standard
Mounting method: Freestanding-/wall model
Material front: Steel
Grid model: Perforated
Material heating element: -
Vortice Spa
MICROSOL 1500-V0 - 0000070582 (8010300705828)
convettore (elettrico)
Model: Standard
Mounting method: Freestanding-/wall model
Material front: Steel
Grid model: Perforated
Material heating element: -
Vortice Spa
MICROSOL 2000-V0 - 0000070592 (8010300705927)
convettore (elettrico)
Model: Standard
Mounting method: Freestanding-/wall model
Material front: Steel
Grid model: Perforated
Material heating element: -
Vortice Spa